Thursday, August 28, 2008

birthday surprise!

Oh my goodness, yesterday was a very good day! Motch came home from work and brought in the mail. Guess what she had in her hand? Something for ME, Miss Petra Pie!

It was a belated birthday gift from Stella Bean of Gooberstan! Wooooooooo!

Let me tell you, the bright green package looked good enough to eat.
In addition to being a brave hunter, Stella is also very smart. She typed me a note, and even put a big red kiss on it! AND, she sent me a magnet of sweet Stanley, too.
It was hard to decide what to play with first: the raccoon, the squeaker ball, the wubba or the pork chew.

And then, something else caught my eye.
I wondered what was in such a pretty package.And found it was a new cherry blossom collar! Isn't it quite the fashion accessory for me?
I spent the rest of the day running and chewing and playing, but I'll save those pictures for tomorrow.
Thank you, my Sweet Stella Bean Fren! You made me so happy today!


Beckett said...

Petra, you look so pretty in your new collar. What a great bunch of barkday presents!


Bobo the Boston Terrier said...


You look so cool with your new collar!

Lady Kaos said...

I would have had a hard time deciding, too. That racoon is almost as big as you!! You look great in your new collar!

Peanut said...

Oh man what good stuff. That collar is very becoming on you.

Moco said...

That was one big haul. You will be busy with all those wonderful gifts for awhile. That collar is very fetching against your dark fur.

Stella said...

Petra Girl!

I'm SO HAPPY you like your presents, fren! I wish I could have been there with you to open your package and keep the celebration going.

And, you look very bootiful in your new collar. I really brings out the brindle in your coat (just as I hoped)!

Please know that a little goobette in GooberStan loves you with all her goober heart!

Goobery love & kissies,

Stella said...

Pee Ess

The best part about watching you open your presents was getting to hear you chirp with joy! I LOVE that sound!

Love you,

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Cool pressies! Love the new cherry blossom collar! It's so striking and pretty on you...*grins*


Mack said...

Stella is a real sweetie isn't she??

Mom says you are getting cuter every day Little P!!!

(She REALLY wants a little BT girl!)

Joe Stains said...

We loved your cute little cry when you couldn't open the package!! You got so much GOOD stuff. mom loves cherry blossoms, she even has a bunch tattooed on her she loves them so much!!

Noah the Airedale said...

Awww we heard a cute little sound when you were trying to open the package.
You look pawesome in your new collar.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
You got very nice presents from Stella!
It was so funny watching you doing the inspection of all those things!
Your collar is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Your new collar looks beautiful on you, Petra! Stella knows how to shop!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch