Next, I have to go through the torture of being tied to the leash. Is resisting being told what to do descriptive of a Boston Terrier?

Finally, at last, it's time to leave the house. I LOVE to walk and run and zoom in all directions.

We live close to a golf course, so I have to keep my eyes open for flying balls. I like walks even better than wallymelon; can you believe that?!
Petra, we are exactly alike. It is necessary to play a good game of keep-away before any walk begins! Good job!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You are clever to tell your pawents when it's time to walk. Me needs to try that.
Your were playing hard to get when it came to putting that leash on! Your face is so cute! You was makeing a face that said, "is there anyway we can do this without the leash?" So cute!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
It looks like you have a bootiful place to walk..I wish you could come walk wif me..we go all awound the neighbowhood, evewyone would stop and admiwe you and tell you how gowgeous you awe
smoochie kisses
Oh! They're called "walks"? All this time I thought I was out on a slow hunting trip!
And believe it or not, I like getting my exercise more than food too!
Little Petra,
That video of you is just great! I bet I am correct in saying you are smaller than my 28 pound self!?...
Hi, Petra!
The torture of the leash!
when is time for my walkie, I go to my closet to chose the dress I want and then my mom says "here" and I come to her so she can attach the leash to my dress!
Looking at your pictures, you have a great place to walk around! Here I have boring concrete streets!
Kisses and hugs
Oh goodness... walks are fun and all that, but better than FOOD?!?!?!?! I don't think so, missy!
Haha...I do that too whenever I need to go out for a walk! Mom always needs to give me a stern warning before I let her to put the leash on me..=P Flying balls on a walk? That's like,my dream walk! You're so lucky, Petra!
Haha Petra! We may be twinsies! I love to play games like that with mom before walks. I especially like to dart around in the morning before mom puts on my harness. Looks like you have a really nice walking area!
Tanner dances around like crazy before our walks too! I wish we were near a golf course, that sounds fun!
Yeah.. walkies are pawsome. Do you need to wear a helmet when you go walk on the golf course?
~ Girl girl
Oh yeah, walks are better than wallymelon....hmmm we've never actually had wallymelon.
It looks nice and sunny there Petra.
We're only too happy to get the clip because it means we're going somewhere! We agree with you, Petra - walkies are the most fun! What a great spot to walk!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I do the same thing. I run to the opposite door that my mom is standing at.
Maybe we're all crazy BTs :)
We do the same thing when it is time for the lake. We just can't wait. We are teaching Callie the routine..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Walks Rule!
oooh Petra ;)
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