Monday, August 18, 2008

missing you

This is how I feel. Lousy. You know why?

The first day of classes was today where Motch works, which means she has been really busy helping students with their various needs. She is too busy to help me read your blogs, and I miss you. I made her post this so you know that I'm thinking of you and will come to visit you just as soon as I can.


Anonymous said...

Oh you poor Pity Pot. You should'a come to our house today -Massah stayed home!

Mack said...

Petra -
You look oh so sad in that picture!

But cute too!

Eduardo said...

We miss you too Petra I haven't been on the computer too much lately!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Litle looks so sad. Come visit me in Cali...we could hang out by the pool and drink dogaritas!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Ah Petra that is probably how I will feel when mom starts school. Hopefully it settles down with Motch soon.

Duke said...

You look so incredibly sad,Petra! We wish we lived closer! You could come and play with us!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Oh noooo! Don't be sad!!! I tagged you in a meme!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Awww...don't be so sad, Petra! Work,we try to live with it. Mom is always busy too...*hugs*


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Don't feel sad! I understand Motch has to work as well as my mom has to do it!
I am thinking of you too!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Poor Petra, don't worry we understand..our pinky is busy sometimes too.

Don't forget..we're thinking of you too.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Asta said...

Little Petra
Don't be so sad..we love you and think of you even when we can't talk..all pawents get too busy sometimes..fwiends undewstand
love and smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

omdog you are breaking my HEART with that photo! I miss you too!!!

MJ's doghouse said...

you poor little girl..that is just wrong..i think you should go to school with Motch...a tiny thing like you and you are all alone..

Nevis said...

Just found your site...Petra, you're super cute! :)

Beckett said...


It was the first day of classes where my mom works too. That wasn't so bad, but her car is in the shop so she didn't come home to have lunch with me. I was very sad. I consoled myself with a nap or three.


FleasGang said...

Although you may feel sad, just think of all the human pups that are benefiting from your mom going to school. They need training, too :-)

The Fleas

Moco said...

You really know how to play a room. That look should be good for extra treats. I will do some cyber zoomies with you right now.

Gucci said...

:[ poor pup.

Atleast you're not stuck in a crate thing all day!


Stella said...

Sweet Petra Girl!

You look so sad, fren! I wish I could come and zoom around your house with you, play bitey face with you, and plant tiny tiny goobery kissies all over you!

Just remember. Motch is missing you as much as you miss her, and she'll eventually get into her school groove.

Until then, catch up on your power napping and know that I LOVE YOU!

Goobery love,

Lady Kaos said...

I miss you, too! My mom's been really busy with work, too. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone and my own blog is severly neglected!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw.. I miss you too Petra...

~ Girl girl

Murphy Dogg said...

We miss you too, Petra!
Murphy Dogg

Emily and Ike said...

You look like the saddest puppy ever!