Yesterday I waited and waited outside in the yard for my candy delivery, but the boys in the plane didn't show up.

When it got dark, I came inside and then fell asleep watching TV. But guess what I heard on the news this morning? They took a detour amd went to the moon!
Coffee helped wake me up.
Then I heard that all of the candy had been delivered and was somewhere in the yard. I went outside to look and sure enough...

there it was, hidden under some flowers! Candy corn -- 3 bags -- just like I ordered! Thanks, Tanner and Scooter! Now I'm off on Aire Ruby for some weekend fun!
OHHHHH Mommy wants those lattes sooooo bad! Where is the candy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hey Petra, It is Scooter's mom. Be sure and read the post for today about your candy!!! You are probably already on aire ruby, so send your mom over to get the details on your candy ....
I hope they get here soon, too!
We're still waiting for our M&M's to be dropped out of the plane! I wonder if they're all melted by now!
Mom loves that blue settle bench that's behind you, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
check the blog!! we got to you, Scooter's MOm was just confused on his messages :)
Petra Pot Pie and her candy corn!
I know I am lovin' mine!
You can make those fancy foam shapes in your coffee? Wow! You must have some very dexterous dewclaws.
Wow...the coffee looks really GOOD! I'm not allowed to have any, but I like the lovely patterns on it...however did you do that?
The candy looked super yummy! *licks lips* Don't believe I've tasted candy corns before, but they're so colorful! Happy Halloween, Petra!
Hi, Petra!
Sure it was a long night but finally you got your candy!
Those lattes look delicious!
See you at the party!
Kisses and hugs
Candy, yummers!
Petra, it’s almost Halloween!
Thank you very much for submitting your wonderful photo!
I will be drawing 3 winners LIVE on my Addie Cam located on my blog on Saturday, November 1st at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time. I hope you can make it, but if you can’t I will be recording the drawing and posting it on my blog along with the winners names.
Have fun Trick-or-Treating!
That is so pawsome... Tanner & Scooter sure are good doggies to deliver those
~ Girl girl
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