When I saw this, I knew I was in trouble.

I'm fast, but Hayley is limber and quick, too. Last night she chased me down time and time again, and she always found a way to grab me.

I was her prized possession. "I like Petra," she said.

Abby wasn't as big or as fast as Hayley, so she couldn't catch me, but Hayley picked me up and carried me around all night long. I wasn't sure how to react since I've never been around little girls before, but I stayed calm.

When I heard her say, "Dad, can we have her?" I began to panic.
I need some candy to relieve the stress. Scooter and Tanner, are you on your way yet?
Cute pictures!
Hayley sure is limber. Do you think she might be part cat?
Hey little girls are fun. little boys are fun too. I kind of wish my girl was still little. She's almost a teenager. :(
Those are cute people pups, but they can't take you. NO WAY...I sure hope Motch isn't considering it!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh That is so cute! you love the kids! or should I say the kids love you? BOL I'm not a big fan of the little ones myself! but you did a great job!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
doan wury petra! we wil start delifering very soon!! hang in ther! an i am shur yur mom wood nefer let u go!
OMD, your face in the 2nd and 4th picture? PRICELESS!!!! BOL!!!!!
How could you ever get away from a hooman pup with legs that long. She could probably even get under the bed. You are looking like you have just about had enough of all that nonsense.
aaawww look at your face!! Trst me .. little girls are GREAT!! I have two of my own and they make everyday brighter and happier.. life without beans is like a day without naps (unbearable)
really... little girls are just awesome.. then again, my beans can't carry me around like a handbag (purse) since I'm bigger than both of them, I'm not too sure I would be up for that! As long as they don't sew handles on your back and USE you as a handbag I think you are ok!
They are just the cutest pictures though.. and woah.. she is a nimble little thing!
love and tailwgas,
Ben xxxx
the look on your face in those pics is priceless! I bet you sleep GOOD at night these days!
OMG, you looked so panicked, Petra! Hayley and Abby look like sweet girls but they can't have you for keeps! We'll be sending you a box FULL of M&M's to relieve your stress!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Petra you look SO WORRIED in those pictures!
Hi, Petra!
Yes, you don't look too happy in those pictures!
I am like you. I prefer the old people who live in my house!
Kisses and hugs
Awww...you look so cute together with the girls! I usually look panicked too when Rachel grabs me...haha! I got used to it after a while and Mom talked to Rachel about it,so it's all good...*wink*
Hope you have a great day!
petra...run for your life...those little people are kinda like puppies without as much fur..(not counting tadpole puppies) they jsut dont really give up....
Whoa she's stretchy! Glad she didn't kidnap you!
OHMYDOG i am SO INCREDIBLY GLAD i did not have to endure that.
They are somewhere.... in a pool...probably having pawgaritas. those two!! I hope you get some rest, you don't look too pleased!
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