Tuesday, October 7, 2008

what should have been

To wrap up the season, here's one last picture.
Motch bought these t-shirts when she was in Israel, and Leah and Grammy were going to wear them when the Cubs played in the World Series.Maybe next year!


Ruby Bleu said...

That's right...there is always next year!!! Oh and I LOVE the new banner...it's pawfect!

Cheer up...you've got the Bears who need you now!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Save those shirts for next year!! Cheer up sweetie!!!
Sunny & Scooter

Eduardo said...

Oh Petra! Next year will be much better!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Beckett said...

Those are great shirts. They make me think that perhaps the Cubs should sign Gabe "the Babe" "the Hebrew Hammer" Kapler. Great, now my mom is drooling all over the keyboard...


Asta said...

Petra Pie
Those shiwts will be fine fow next yeaw..peeeeeez stop being so sad..you'we bweaking my heawt
smoochie kisses

Balboa said...

oh no, you look so sad, how could they let you down????

I agree, you can wear the shirt next year!!!!!

Frenchie SNorts

Lady Kaos said...

Those are cool shirts! I hope they get to wear them during the world series next year!

Moco said...

It was indeed a sad day when the Cubbies went under. We had such hope for them since our team (Mariners) were the worst. Maybe next year they both will do better.
Gramdma and Lovely Leah are looking good in their matching shirts.

Joe Stains said...

omdog, what great shirts :( We are so sorry about the Cubbies :( Tonight Mom and Dad are going to the opening of the AZ fall league. That is where the best minor league prospects from each team come together and play for a couple of months. We will cheer extra loud for the Cubs players.

Anonymous said...

Petra, you look SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO sad, it makes me want to cry all over again! I declare and proclaim again and again that you are the cutest pup ever!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
Yes, they can wear them the next year!
Please, don't be sad!
Kisses and hugs

leah said...

well aren't we just adorable!

that is so cool that you found those in jerusalem... awesome gift -- thanks again!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a really nice t-shirt. How come you didn't get one too Petra?

~ Girl girl

Beckett said...

Hey Petra,

My mom saw this Cubs print and thought of you, Fig, Tadpole and your humans: http://gvetchedintimestore.com/products/love-the-cubs-print


Nevis said...

You're so cute, Petra! Sorry about the cubs. Next year!

Mack said...

I bet you '09 is going to be their year!

Duke said...

There's always next year, Petra! Cheer up! We hate to see you so down!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba said...

awww, poor Petra Pie!! Chin up! there's always next year!!!

