Hey everybody, how are you all doing today? Keeping busy and having fun?

I'm pretty bored. Entertaining myself with a mountain dew bottle doesn't excite me.

This looks like more fun, but unfortunately, it's out of my reach.

If I jump like a kangaroo, with the lightning speed of a boston, maybe I'll get it!

And maybe not.
Ho hum!
Oh look at your sad little face...I'm kinda bored too...
Lots of Licks, ruby
I forgot to tell you about that lifesaver and why I took those pictures! They were handing lifesavers out on the quad because it was suicide awareness week. The papers attached to them had little facts about suicide on them. That one read: "More than 30 percent of patients suffering from major depression report suicidal ideation."
Oh pretty Petra Pot Pie:
How about if I lend you some of my springs?? (Mom always says I have springs in my butt) I'm sure I have plenty to spare!
Poor little Petra,
Do not be bored. Put out a Tad and Fig alert. They need to come with lighting speed to do some tugging and zoomies with you.
I can easily believe that % is right on for suicide ideation and actual plan with people with MDD.
You almost had it, Petra! Keep practicing.
You look so sad in the last pic :(
You should invite Fig and Tad over for a stuffie destuffing party. Stuffie desstuffing always makes me happy.
i'm heading over to your place with the notorious f.i.g. in tow!
what a cute little face, how could you not get that tasty treat????
FRenchie Snorts
Hi, Petra!
Looks like you did not have an exciting day!
I am sure tomorrow will be better!
Kisses and hugs
That bottle looks fun to me. You could bring it over and we could both play with it.
We are so so bored over here too. For excitement tonight, Mom put her old hard drive in an enclosure. THE EXCITEMENT IS NON STOP :(
Aw.. I hope you'll find something fun to do this coming weekend Petra
~ Girl girl
Ooh, what is it? A green lifesaver? Looks yummy. Although your Mom was probably right about keeping it out of your reach...sometimes moms know best!
Hey Petra,
I have something tagged yu for a game to help you with your boredom.
Petra you look dreadfully bored. I hope this week is better for you.
One little green lifesaver won't hurt you, Petra! We think you should go for it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Petra!
I missed reading your blog posts...how are you? Hope you had a good day! I especially love the last photo of you...although you look kind of sad, you are TOO cute!
hay,hay petra! i am still not feelin the besterest, but i am gittin better. u luk soooo sad (or loaded-ha) in the last picshur.
i hope u r feelin happier now. u are so bootiful an cute.
k an ok
hi5s an a lick-if itz ok to giv u a lick...
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