Monday, October 27, 2008

i am tired

Oh man, what a weekend! Some friends of Motch and PA are visiting from Texas and Tennessee, and two little girls whose pictures I hope to post soon have discovered ME! They like to carry me around like I'm a bowl full of jelly, but I love them, anyway. So I'm going to stay in bed as long as I can today because they'll be over for green chili tonight.

Anyway, I'd like to take this opportuntiy to thank my good friend and awesome pilot (whose plane I'm going to be riding on soon) Ruby Bleu for giving me the following the award. THANK YOU, RUBY! And then Pearl gave it to me, too, so THANK YOU PEARL!

Here's what the award is all about:

This lovely award is created by Crystal @ Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES us to SHARE THE LOVE! The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with them because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you. Please include this paragraph with the link to Memoirs of a Mommy so that everyone knows where this award originated from.I'd like to share this award with: Sunny, Scooter, Jamie and Bobo.


Beckett said...

Those human pups sound like fun, Petra! I bet you are tired, though. Fortunately we doggins don't have to go to work on Mondays so we can catch up on our beauty rest.


Asta said...

West sounds like the hooman pups awe exhausting..but chilli and play suwe sounds good!
Congwatulations on the vewy pawsome awawd!
smoochie kisses

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Aren't little humans fun??? You do look plumb wore out!! So rest up today and have fun tonight!
Thank you very much for this beautiful award. We have seen it and love it.
hay petra!! oh, i luf little humans too!! i haf won of mi own. she iz mi human neece (i guess, mi human sisterz dawter. i fink that is a neece, rite?) fank u fur that purdy ward. not az purdy az u tho! see u soon wen i bring treetz!!!

Eduardo said...

WOW Petra! You musta had a blast! Congrats on your award!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Poppy said...

Playing with kids is hard...I don't really like it. They are too unpredictable and crazy! Good luck!


Ruby Bleu said...

That sounds like a lot of hard work...better rest up for round two!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

What a sweet picture of you, Petra! Enjoy your company! We hope they share treats with you!
Congratulations on your award!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petra!
I don't like to play with human pups a lot! Yes, they are crazy!
Green chili? Sounds delicious!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Hooman pups are great fun. They never get tired of playing with you and they drop treats all the time. They are big snack machines.

Joe Stains said...

oooh visitors! so cool!!! I hope they don't get gassy from the chili LOL

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