Look what my present bestest friend and maybe future boyfriend if he doesn't find anybody else before I'm old enough to date and who is saving me a seat on Aire Ruby and who is bringing me a corney dog SCOOTER gave to me!

Thanks, Scooter! I feel warm all over.
And now I have a question for you, my friends.

Do you see any resemblance between me...
and this?

Well, I don't either. But Motch thinks I look like a clown so instead of throwing a sheet over me for halloween and letting me snuggle in it and look like a ghost, she put me in a clown outfit. I couldn't keep her from throwing this ruffle around my neck, but I totally fought my way out of the hat which was supposed to sit on my head.
If I had been consulted, I would never have agreed to be a clown. But I'm a good sport, a good-girl pot-pie, so I played along. I decided that if I have to be a clown, I might as well be the kind I like.

A rodeo clown!
This might not be so bad afterall.
I still think you look oh so cute!
Petra...a boyfriend? Really? Are you old enough? hee hee hee!!! I think you two make a cute couple! And I love the costume...you make a pawsome clown!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Rodeo clowns are tough SOBs. SO being one of them is cool.
You are an adorable clown, Petra, and we say that with affection! No way would we ever laugh at you! You're too cute!
You look more like the bucking bull in the video than the clown! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my...I might be a little jealous you have a boyfriend, Petra. I guess I'm a little old for you. You make a great clown and do an excellet bucking bronco impression...
You are truly as tough as any Rodeo Clown and better looking. What was Motch thinking putting you in the outfit.
hay petrapotpie! i dunno why yur mom putted u in that hat! u r purdy in the necklace but that hat cood choke u!! but az u no, we luff bull ridin here, so u bein a rodeo clown iz the coolerest!! we luff yur videeoz.
i wunner how long til u r olderest enuff tu be my gurlfren? duz yur mom no? cuz, u r stil abowt the cuterest fing i efer saw! i fink i shood wate fur u an be besterest frenz while i wate (unless it wood be gazillion yeerz or sumpfink..)
wat du u fink? wood u like fur me tu wate?
you look like a rodeo-clown/bucking-bronco mutant.... thank goodness massah gave up on costumes for me.
You have been nominated for Awesome Blog Award over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :)
You make a very cute clown!
I LOVE your video's!
If you want to, you could enter a costume contest that I am having on my blog. You could win a really cool prize!
Hi, Petra!
I can see you really don't like that clown outfit!
Watching your video I was thinking more of the bull than of the clown!
Kisses and hugs
hay petra, hay petra. i dint no yur blog was up for the bestest won this month! wel, i voteded an then i put up a liddol post on my blog askin for votes for u,ok? mom sed she thot it wud be ok. u can luk at it an see if it is ok wif u. ok anok
let me no if it iz alrite wif u. ok anok.
OMDOG sorry but those videos were too funny!!! lol
The ladybug present is so sweet of Scooter...and you look SOOO cute in that clown outfit! Hehe...your videos are always so entertaining...*grins*
Hope you have a great weekend!
NO.. you're way cuter then that clown
~ Girl girl
You look awfully cute in your costume! I'm being a skunk for halloween. Do you think my people are trying to tell me something?
Uh Oh..
Mum has a slight Clown Phobia and is now a shaking wreck under the table BOL!!
WTG cute stuff.. I just love the priceless look on Mums face when she is unexpectedly confronted with a clown!
I love your costume.. Mum is a little scared hahaha
Ben xxxx
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