I've heard it said that time passes quickly, and I'm starting to believe it. A year ago I made my first post on this blog, and the year has flown by!

This was my first picture. I'm standing on the blanket that was wrapped around me when I sat in Motch's lap on the drive to my new home. I haven't even torn this one apart!

Here I am now, looking much older and wiser. The crate has been moved to the laundry room because I don't stay in it very much anymore, much to my delight and pleasure.

Thank you all for being my friends and coming to visit me and letting me visit you on your blogs. Next to my family, you are on the top of my list of thanksgiving blessings!
Congrats on your 1 year blogiversary! W00t! I'm so happy you started blogging!!!! Here's to another year!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Congrats on you 1 year blogaversary! I love being your friend!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Congrats at 1 year of blogging Petra!! It seems like it will be so long until we get there!!!! Here's to many more of those blogging years!!
The Puppies
Congratulations on your 1 year blogoversary!! Oh, you were just adorable as a pup and you stil are!!! We are very happy we are your friends!
Happy Thanksgiving sweetie!
pee ess
hay petrapotpie. u haf alwayz ben the cuterest fing!! no wunder i jus luff u soo much. an u r sweet tu. efen tho Taddy sed u wer wld or sumpfink like that...ok anok
happy fanksgifing liddol petrapotpie mmmuuuaahhh
luff scooter
Happ anniversary!! I'm very happy you started blogging! You are one of our favorite blogs to read!
I saw on Fig's blog that you have a new hobby. hehe Sasha used to do that then stopped and has now started again with all the stress in our house with the company here.
Happy blogaversary, Petra! Meeting you was pretty special to us!
We love you, Petra!
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Blogaversary!!! We are so glad to know you!
aw.. that was a very sweet post Pretty Petra.
Happy Blogaversary to you!! we are very glad to meet you. Hope we can be very good friends!
lots of love and drooly kisses,
Aki and Poopie
Happy Bloggie-versary Petra! Hope you stick around for many, many more.
Cause you're really cute to look at ... wink, wink.
Murphy Dogg
Hi, Petra!
Happy First Blogoversary!! And many more to come!
Yes, time flies!
I am so happy to be your friend!
Kisses and hugs
Petra it has been my pleasure being part of your dog blog family...you are just as adorable as you were back then..keep up the good work
Hooray! I'm so glad that Motch started blogging for you!
Happy first blogoversary, Petra! May there be loads of blogoversaries to come! *grins* Your blog is very special, and I love reading about your adventures...=)
Sorry for not visiting for so long! I want to say Congrats to Leah too for her successful defense! And your beary collar is too cool!
Hope you have a great day...*grins*
You still look very cute and sweet Petra
~ Bae
Congratulations Petra, we're so happy you started a blog and have become our friend.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Congrats on one year of posts Petra! I hope I can read your blog for many more years to come!
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