Monday, November 17, 2008

defending her stand

Hear ye! Hear ye! I have an important announcement to make.In just three short days, a stand must be made.
This girl is defending her thesis on Thursday, so Fig and I are hanging out with her to help her relax.

Cross your paws for Leah!


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Petra...I wish I were there to help you know with the 3 of us, Leah would be sure to pass her defense! Of we'd pee on her teachers!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Asta said...

I'm suwe she will do wondewfully wif youw help!
I'll be cwossing my paws fow hew too
smoochie kisses

FleasGang said...

I will stand too! Well, until I get tired or hungry or sleepy. Good luck to Leah and may the force be with you.


Mack said...

If anybody can do it, it is P3 & Figgy Pudding! Good luck Leah!!

Peanut said...

We know she will do great.

leah said...

Hee hee! Thanks, Petra and everydog!

Now the trick is to get my committee to not bail on me and try to reschedule the defense....

Duke said...

Good luck to Leah! Thank doG she's got you and Fig to help her out, Petra!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

hay petrapotpie!! i doan no wut a thesisis iz but i wil stan wif u!!!! i wood b happy tu cum tu yur howze an sit in hur lap tu!! an maybee i cood efen sit nex tu u wile i am dooin that! i am a -ok git reddy-big wurd i jus lerneded-ahem-i am a multitaskerer!!!! wooo,r u prowd ov me fur that big wurd? whew
pee ess
We are sure Leah will do great!!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Oh, you guys will do a good job helping your girl relax. My paws are crossed to help her do good on Thursday.


Beckett said...

With a defense system like that, I bet her committee will capitulate before she even has to say a word!


PS - You don't like my zoomies pictures? I think they show my blazing speed but my mom says they look funny because of the way I like to tuck my butt under when I run...

MJ's doghouse said...

what did Leahs thesis do that was so Leah a lawyer...well i hope her thesis will win when she defends it...

Joe Stains said...

Oh boy, I could come help!!! We will be crossing paws!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope she survives with you tonight, because you DIDN'T TAKE ME WITH YOU!

Lorenza said...

Good luck Leah!
I am sure she is going to do it great!
Paws crossed.
Kisses and hugs

Bae Bae said...

Yeah I'm sure Leah will do well with you doggies supporting her

~ Bae

Beckett said...

Hi Petra,

I understand your comment now! They do sort of look like I'm pooping but that's how I run. My mom thinks it's so weird but apparently lots of Labs so it - it's called "butt-tucking"! Heehee!


Lady Kaos said...

That's so nice of you to help her out like that! I'm sure it's working because just looking at your pictures makes me relax.