Saturday, November 29, 2008

thanksgiving pie

My Thanksgiving in pictures (with captions):

(pumpkin pie)

(eating pumpkin pie - thanks Grammy!)

(throwing up pumpkin pie)


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

o no!! hay r u ok petrapotpie???? mi sis, sunny iz a gud nurse. do u need hur??? i hope u feel bedderer now. wuz it az gud goin owt az goin in???
por por petra.
i hadded sum but i did not frow up.
ok anok feel bedderer pleez it makz me sad if u feel bad.

FleasGang said...

Grandma's ROCK! Even if they spoil us too much with yummy goodness. My Grandma got watched like a hawk over Thanksgiving because she likes to sneak me stuff too :-)


Kelli said...

Hi Petra! That pumpkin pie looks soo yummy! I didn't get any pumpkin pie this year, maybe it's a good thing since it looks like it made you sick! I hope your tummy is feeling better!

Joe Stains said...

wooo Grammas are the best! I got a whole plate of spicy cheese dip from mine, but I didn't even barf, I just farted a lot!

Lorenza said...

Your Grammie sure is great sharing with you the pumpkin pie... too bad it made you feel sick!
I hope you are fine!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Bummer that the pumpkin pie made you sick, Petra! We both got a smidge too with whipped cream but we didn't get sick!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh throwing it up not good. Eating it good. Hope you are feeling okay

Mack said...

Maybe you just need some more tummy rubs to ease your tummmy??

Sarah K. said...

That pie looks delicious!

Aki and Poopie said...

oh my petra, are you okay? we hope that was just a glitch you had there.

the pumpkin pie looks absolutely delish. we hope you had not completely sworn off pumpkin pie's after your little incident there.

drooly kisses,


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Whoops...did you eat other things that might have upset your tummy, Petra? Or maybe you're not used to eating pumpkin pie...hope you're feeling better now!


Bae Bae said...

Woh did you ate the pie too quickly?

~ Bae

Stanislaw said...

I hope your tum is feeling better. Sometimes feasting happens without much thought to the feasting hangover that happens after. I know how you feel. Poor Petra!

Par said...

Great way to eat pumpkin...hehe

Aki and Poopie said...

petra! petra!

can we have ur snail mail address? we want to include u in our christmas card list.


drooly kisses,



our email address is

Beckett said...

I hope you are feeling better, Petra Pot (not Pumpkin) Pie!

Mom is not mad at me. She's annoyed with herself for leaving the open bottle near the 'puter but it's just a thing, she says, and I'm more important than any thing.


Lady Kaos said...

Uh oh, Pumpking Pie is not for Petra Pie!! hehe