P.A. always keeps his eyes open for golf balls, and I'm right beside him making sure that whatever he picks up isn't food to eat.

Running, stopping, sniffing. Over and over and over. Running, stopping, sniffing. But the best thing happens at the end of the walk when we stop in the back yard and my dad takes off my leash.
FREEDOM! I run as fast as I can in circles before making a dart for the back door. Sometimes I get side-tracked and head for the rabbit under the deck, but I'm usually pretty focused on getting inside the house.

After expending all of that energy, I need a treat to revive me.
You are speedy, Miss Petra. I like to run in circles too, but when I do it I also tuck my butt under so I look super crazy. Apparently this butt-tucking is a Labrador trait.
Little P...i can't believe the got you on video peeing!!! How rude!!! But it sure looks like you had a fun walkie!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What a spectacular display of zoomies! Enjoy your warm Autumn while it lasts :-)
Oh man you can run. We could hardly see you since you are going so fast.
P.A. is lucky to keep up with you. It is a good thing that you have a long leash or else you would be doing the whiplash dance. You are quite speedy on that final run.
I think little Petra has a case of the BT zoommies!!
Holy cow! Only 1 treat to revive you? After running so fast I think you need about 4 or 5!
Hi, Petra!
I got tired just looking at you in the video!
I hope you got lots of treats!
Kisses and hugs
You sure can run very very fast Petra. A treat is a best way to end the day
~ Girl girl
You are my hero, Petra. Me needs to learn how to run and sniff, run and sniff. Me just knows how to run.
Whoa! You're making us dizzy, Petra! You sure are one speedy little BT!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Petra! you look so cute running circles around your parents!! That's what we do too!!!
The Puppies
p.s. hope you got a big treat for those zoomies!!
Petra Pie
I wish I could come and run in your backyard with you. I only have off leash at the doggy park and that place scares the willies out of me.
Love, hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Your walks are so fun, Petra! I wish I could run as fast as you when I go on my walks...but my Mom is very sluggish and won't keep up! *sigh* Any tricks on getting a human to walk faster? hehe!
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