Friday, November 21, 2008

celebrate defense

We had a fun time at Grammy's house last night when we celebrated Leah's Defense.
Unfortunately, this was as close to the cake as I got. No ice cream or cake for Petra, nuh-uh. So Tad and I played with Grammy's bears ~~ unsupervised ~~ because everyone else was eating, and Fig stayed under the table to eat crumbs.

But then a funny thing happened. Tad decided to poop in the hallway! And he didn't even say he was sorry.
He didn't even get in trouble, probably because it was a night of food and laughter and hugs and smiles.
And when it came time to get up morning, I said no.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and for those of you who have company coming for Thanksgiving, don't work too hard and don't step on any paws!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Man. No cake?? Well, at least you got hugs. Such a cute picture of you not wanting to get up this morning! Have a great weekend!

Lady Kaos said...

No cake? That's unfair!! How are you supposed to celebrate without cake?
Sheesh! Look slike you had fun anyway.
Our thanksgiving company is a blast!! Kids are so much fun!!!!!
Have a great weekend!

Duke said...

Congratulations to Leah! What a shame that you didn't get any cake and ice cream, Petra! This is so not fair!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kelli said...

It looks like you had a great time! I don't blame you for not wanting to get up in the morning. Owner Girl and me like to sunggle in bed as long as we can since it's so cold outside now. Have a good weekend!

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Petra,
Firstly a big congrats to Leah.
Sounds like everyone had fun at the party. Shame about your proximity to that cake.....


Lorenza said...

Sounds like a great celebration!
Do you think that pooping thing was Tad's way to say Leah he loves her??
I hope you have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Your people were probably too busy having fun to notice Tad had to go outside. That happened to me a couple of times and me's want to bawl my Moomie out, too! Your people look happy and nice.


Mack said...

Congratulations!! This is wonderful news! Would you please give Leah a Mackypoo kiss for me??

Joe Stains said...

Nothing says party time like a nice poop in the hallway!!! sounds like it was a GREAT time!

MJ's doghouse said...

are you kidding me little helped all that time with the defense and you didnt get cake or ice cream...WTF....that totally sucks...

Bae Bae said...

That sure is a pawsome celebration

~ Bae

Peanut said...

You should have gotten half that cake for the work you did