My neck is sensitive and it broke out in a rash (again) for no apparent reason. When this happens, we go through a regular routine: my neck itches, I scratch it, the collar comes off and medicine goes on. This time when the collar came off, Motch thought it was time for a new one, so we went shopping. She wanted a collar with flowers on it but she couldn't find a flowery one that wouldn't irritate my small and sensitive neck.
We ended up with beary nice one...and then Motch wanted to get a picture of it. You wouldn't believe how many pictures she took just trying to get ONE. I'm not to blame because I'm a perfect model; she is just a lousy photographer.
I had to turn my back on the camera, which was hard for me to do.

And I didn't want to face the camera, either.

This went on forever, and I tried napping during the photo shoot.

I ended up getting treats which helped alot, and here I am ~~ totally focused on what was about to enter my mouth.

All in all, the treats made up for all of the pictures I had to endure, and I survived another photo session. Now get me outa here.
That is a great new collar!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
That IS a beary nice collar indeed...but you need something a little more girlie I think!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I can tell you were not really into that photo shoot. Good for you for being a good girl and humoring your Mommy. Mommies are so crazy sometimes!
Ah nice collar. I think the colors work well with your fur.
I'm with Peanut - the collar looks very nice on you.
Mom says you have a very pretty profile.
Your little face is so expressive Petra! Very lovely colors on you. We hope you don't break out from this collar. Maybe you are a nudist at heart.
pee ess
itz scooter petrapotpie. i wuz blushin frum u callin me scooter the cuter... fank u! no wun iz cuterer than u tho!!
I agree! You are the cutest of cute dogs, Petra. I love your Bear collar. Now the team better shape up to make themselves worthy of the collar you wear for them! Grammy
Nice new collar Petra! Owner Girl has lots of collars for me, sometimes she even lets me pick which one I want to wear! You look great in your bears collar though, I don't have one like that!
Hi, Petra!
I hope the itches go away soon!
I like your new collar!
Good job modeling it!
Kisses and hugs
That's pawsome new collar and you're a great model Petra
~ Bae
You are quite the sports fan. Did you miss a game during all that picture taking? I hope you got a whole bag of treats for enduring that torture.
oh petra, you poor thing. i hate getting rashes as well. maybe you should urge motch to look for a harness. it's more comfy and less stressful for your beautiful neck. the one with the soft pads for your shoulders and ribs and handles (for the hoomans) is a very food alternative esp. if you plan to break out into a mad dash and drag your human along. believe me, I know. :D
drooly kisses,
Don't you just hate that flash going off so close to your eyes?! We love your new collar and hope it doesn't make you itchy, Petra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Petra,
You are so cute in your collar. My mom keeps saying "Da Bears" though.
I used to get really itchy and my mom switched my food to one that's good for dogs with skin problems and I haven't had any trouble since. Also she puts delicious fish oil on my food.
Cool new collar! Glad to hear treats were finally involved!
when will our people learn that i f they just give us our treats at the beginning we will be way more co operative...silly mom..but your collar is nice...if you like bears...i dont..i saw them on tv eating a man..ewwww...very scarey
I think it is a great collar! Your neck looks so long in that one photo, you look like Tad!
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