I'm so proud of
Leah! She took her stand and stood firm and WON! Now she has her master's degree, so do I call her Master Leah instead of Sister Leah?

All of the hours we spent working together on her thesis paid off, and I know she's thankful for the help I offered as we labored together night and day, month after month.

Since Motch works at the university, she took time off to stand with Leah. Except she had to sit and not talk (Leah's rules). She left her building and walked to the meeting.

Leah didn't know she brought her camera, but I asked her to take it so I could see pictures since I couldn't go. Anyway, Motch tried to take a picture of Leah leaving her office but Leah said "NO" and got mad. So Motch put the camera away and tried to obey the rules so she wouldn't get kicked out of the defense.

After 45 minutes, the decision was made and Leah was told she passed! She was so happy that she let Motch take her picture with the Chair of her committee and another committee member who was present via phone.
Thus ends a happy day. Now we're going to my grandma's for pizza and cake, and I hope I get some food to help celebrate.
We are doing a dance in Leah's honor!
Oh Petra...you most certainly deserve pizza and cake too...you really helped! Me and Mom are sooooooooo happy for Master Leah or is it Massah Leah - BOL!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hooray Leah!!!!!! Don't forget to give Petra pizza and cake for helping!!
Many,many congratulations...what do you do next?? Go to Disneyland?? ;)
We knew she could do it. Congrats Massah in law. haha sorry we had to say it. We couldn't help it
WOOOOOO! Thank you, Petra! I couldn't have done it without you!!
I'm so happy I'll even forgive Motch for her incessant picture taking!
Congratulations to Leah!
I hope you had a great celebration!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations, Leah! All your hard work and dedication has paid off.
Levi's mom
Congrates to Master Leah
~ Bae
well that is quite a thing Petra...I still dont understand all this standing thing...but as long as she passed...i guess that is all that has to matter....you go girls...
WOOHOO for Leah! I'm sure she appreciates your help alot! How in the world did she not know Motch was bringing the camera? We all knew she would! Silly girl! That's a great picture of her and the other "people."
Hope you got lots of pizza and cake to help celebrate!
Congrats Master Leah! That is so great!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We are so happy for Leah! What awesome news! This deserves major celebrating!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I know for SURE it was all of your help that allowed her to be successful!
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